Monday, March 19, 2012

"REMEMBER, REMEMBER that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation..." 
Helaman 5:12

Sun, Mar 18
     When Becca was living with our family a couple years ago, she talked in our ward and shared this scripture in Helaman that she had memorized.  She explained that it was their family scripture and they had all memorized it.  I was so impressed!  
     I came across it today in my scripture reading and thought again what an awesome scripture to memorize and internalize as a family.  I have watched Jack and and Julie and their kids take this to heart in their family as they have built a sturdy and sure foundation upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and I have witnessed, in a small way, as they have withstood the mighty winds and storms that have beat upon their family to no avail because of the rock upon which they have built.
Becca, Kade, Rachel, Jack and Wade all drove down to visit grandma Sunday and brought her a lasagna supper that their dad cooked up for  Grandma and Grandpa.  They enjoyed a wonderful Sunday afternoon visiting with Grandma...
     So here are the official rules of 
Grandma's Book of Mormon Challenge:
1-Read the Book of Mormon starting in the Book of Helaman.  You only have to read until the end of the Book of Moroni.  (We are trying to make this easy.) 
2-Memorize Helaman 5:12.
When you finish these 2 things Jack says he will make you a FREE pizza of your choice!!!  (Just be ready to recite the scripture you memorized to Jack.)  This offer expires Dec. 20, 2012. 
We can do this!!!

P.S.  For Jack's kids, who might be a little tired of pizza, Aunt Cathy has a special surprise for them when they finish the challenge.

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