Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Grandma's Gone Tech Savvy!

"You only have to push one button!"

     Steve set Grandma up with her very own computer so she can follow her blog.  You should see her go...She is a whizz on the computer...who would have thought?  Oh, the miracle of modern technology.  It is all set up so she only has to push one button and her blog appears.  

Submitted by Cindy
Sat, Mar 10
     All 17 of the Jensen family visited Grandma today.  Boy did we overwhelm her with kids and kisses!!!!  The day was beautiful so the kids had fun playing in the playhouse, seeing the chickens, and of course playing with Jackson. 

     Everyone has offered to adopt Jackson but Grandpa says "Absolutely not!"  Grandma had a big yesterday too.  She went to Tammy's to get her hair done, out to eat with Aunt Donna, Susan, Sherrie, and Sonya, a wedding in the ward (Mower's), and then a pizza party with Phil and Kris's family.  I can't believe Grandma's stamina.  She is determined to live each day to it's fullest, and boy does she ever!!!!

     After our visit at the house we piled into cars and headed to Provo to celebrate both Shelby and Aaron's birthdays.  Grandma looked tired and I told her she didn't have to go if she didn't feel like it.  Oh right...miss a party?  She got all dolled up and both she and Grandpa enjoyed dinner and the works at the Riverwoods.  She really loves going out and being with everyone.  We had so much fun.  Thanks Grandma for making the day so perfect!!!

Update submitted by Cathy
Mon, Mar 12
     We visited the Oncologist today.  Not much news.  Pretty much just what we already know.  Grandma was feeling great today though.  She kept remarking how much better she felt.  Her legs were not giving her much pain and she said her head was much clearer.  

     Her house is full of flowers!!!  Kathleen's mom sent her a beautiful bouquet while Cindy and 
I were there.  It had the most thoughtful card attached.  Her card basket is also overflowing with letters and cards from grandkids, friends, and even people she has never met.  A young mother who attended
the institute class where the instructor read Grandma's "Going to War" poem was so touched by that poem that she found out who Grandma was and wrote her a beautiful letter.

     Grandma keeps saying, "I can't wait to meet the woman all these people are talking about!"  She seriously has no idea what a remarkable person she is.  Her calendar is filled with lunch dates and visits with friends and the phone never stops ringing!  Every time we take her anywhere she runs into people she knows and everyone of them are "dear, dear friends."  I am seriously beginning to wonder if there is a single person on earth that Grandma hasn't influenced in some way or another for good.

     Right now, the visits and phone calls seem to invigorate and energize her!  They are medicine to her soul.  She appreciates and loves everyone so much.  THANK YOU!!!!!!  

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