Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tues, Feb 28
     Cindy, Courtney, Shelby, Katie, Sarah and I all drove to Alpine to attend a fireside with Grandma.  Sister Julie Beck the General Relief Society President was the speaker.  We arrived an hour and 10 minutes early so we could get a good seat.  We sat in the third row right behind Sister Beck's family.  What an awesome treat!  Not only did Julie's sweet mother visit with us and give us each a little token she had made, but Julie came and talked to us.  She said,"Wow, look at all the Carlisles!"
     In her talk we were all touched when she shared Sister Camilla Kimball's quote, "Never suppress a generous thought."  I thought to myself how Grandma has always exemplified that through all the letters, phone calls, kindness, and acts of service she has rendered!  It was a perfect evening.

Wed, Feb 29
     Cindy finally convinced Grandma to see a doctor about her cough.  Grandpa took her to see Dr. Fuller.  He took an X-ray of her chest and found water in her lungs which concerned him.  He ordered a CT scan for the next day.  He called later to tell her that he had showed her X-ray to a specialist and they were concerned about cancer.

Thur, Mar 1
     Cindy and I surprised Grandma at the hospital this morning while she was waiting for her CT scan.  It only took about 10 minutes.  We were told we would get the results in a few days.  I think Grandma may have developed a small crush on her technician.  He was a very nice looking black man who was over 6 feet tall and very nicely built.  Afterwards we went to her house and fixed reuben sandwiches.  Shelby came over and Grandma dug out her wedding dress for Shelby to try on.  Shelby looked absolutely beautiful in Grandma's dress.  But you should have seen the four of us giggling as we tried to get her out of it!  After that we couldn't seem to stop laughing.

Fri, Mar 2
     Kirby drove Cindy and I to Grandma's appointment with Dr. Fuller this morning.  The roads were a mess!  Dr. Fuller explained that Grandma has a tumor in her lungs, a spot in her ribs, and on her liver.  He ordered another CT Scan and referred us to an oncologist.  The CT scan was scheduled for 2pm and she had to fast 4 hours before having it, so we thought we better get something to eat.  (Grandma did mention she hoped it would be the same technician as yesterday.  Ha!  Ha!)  We went to Jimmy's for breakfast and who should be there but Bob.  What a fun surprise.  He gave mom a big old "Bob Hug."  It was just what she needed.
     Grandma was tired when we got back to her house so we decided to head for home.  She insisted that we stop on our way and tell Dr. Slack what we had found out.  Dr. Slack has been helping Grandma for almost a year now with her high blood pressure and she knew he was worried about her.  Neither Cindy nor I wanted to talk to him, but if we have learned anything over the years it is that if Grandma thinks something should be done you should do it!  She is never wrong!
     Dr. Slack's receptionist looked at us like we were absolutely nuts when we explained the situation to her.  She said she didn't think it would be possible for us to talk to the doctor but she would try.  Just as we were about to leave, Dr. Slack came out from seeing a patient and noticed us.  He immediately asked us to come back and talk to him.  He pulled up Grandma's records and read the results of the CT scan.  He told us that she had stage 4 cancer and that it was in her lungs, liver, ribs, spine, and lymph nodes.  We told him the name of the oncologist we were scheduled to see and he begged us not to take her to that particular doctor.  He felt she would be a terrible fit for Grandma and referred us to a different oncologist.
     He then said there was no reason to put Grandma through any unnecessary tests and treatments, and then he began to cry.  This kind man wept with Cindy and I as he told us to make Grandmas' last couple of months enjoyable and comfortable.  It was at that moment that we knew Grandma was being called on a very special mission.   Grandma had told us that morning at breakfast to not keep anything from her so we went back to her house and told her what Dr. Slack had said.  She replied, "This is good news."  She then talked about our Dad and how much she missed him.
     Grandma is a remarkable and elect daughter of our Heavenly Father and He needs her help on the other side of the veil.  Grandma and Grandpa Carlisle will soon be together again serving a mission in building up God's Kingdom in Heaven.  It is our opportunity as her posterity to help her joyfully prepare to leave this earth to serve that mission!

Sat, Mar 3
     The news about Grandma is just barely beginning to settle upon each of us.  There is so much to think about and consider.  The influence she has had in each of our lives is astounding!   This morning I have been thinking upon all of the tender mercies Heavenly Father has bestowed upon Grandma and our family.  We are definitely under his watchful care.
     At every doctor or emergency visit I have been to with Grandma, I have noticed that the nurses and doctors are drawn to her in a special way.  There is something about being with Grandma that brings out the goodness in people.  They have all be so kind and generous to her.
    Cinda Clement is the Relief Society President in Grandma's ward.   Cinda has been Grandma's neighbor and a close friend of our family for a very long time.  It was such a comfort to talk to her yesterday on the phone and know how much her and the other sisters in the ward love our Grandma.  She is definitely in strong capable hands under their "watchful care."
     And of course the "Sisty-uglers" are awesome!   Aunt Donna was at Grandma's house just minutes after the doctor appointment Friday.  Later that afternoon they all met together to figure out a game-plan to help Grandma.
     Tonight our family will begin a special fast for Grandma.  I pray we will be mindful of the watchful care and stewardship we have as a family to take care of one another.  Grandma loves each and everyone of us and her greatest wish is that we will take care of each other.  "No empty chairs" as she always says.

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