Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sun, Mar 4
     The other night Sister Julie Beck admonished us to read and study Daughters in My Kingdom.  I have taken that to heart and have been caught up in it's teachings.  In it Sister Emma Smith was quoted as saying, "We expect extraordinary occasions and pressing calls."  It made me reflect on all the extraordinary occasions our family has been called to experience and participate in.  This journey ahead of us is just another one of those extraordinary occasions.  It reminded me of this quote by Jeffrey R. Holland:
"God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing.  In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future--to live it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities." 
Grandma is a living example of this kind of "extraordinary" faith and determination!!

     Grandma had a wonderful day today!  Scott, Cherie', Hannah, Ted, Shaylen, and Jack surprised her with a Sunday morning visit,  and then a little later on Bob brought Annie and Tiffany by.  Luann invited Grandma and Grandpa over for a spectacular Sunday dinner to celebrate Jeffrey's birthday.
     Grandpa got a call from the florist in Star Valley asking if he lived in Alpine.   He told them yes, but for the life of them the florist couldn't find their address anywhere.  Come to find out they were looking for Grandma in Alpine, Wyoming.   Ted and his family sent Grandma this beautiful plant with flowers.  They look so pretty in her living room.
Flowers from Star Valley
     Elsewhere, Cindy and all her family gathered for a nice Sunday meal in Morgan to end their fast.  Next door my family was doing the same.  We all enjoyed sharing how much our mother and grandmother means to us.  It was amazing to realize how Grandma has made each of us feel special and taken time one on one to foster unique relationships with each of us personally.  Not only with her children and grandchildren, but with her nieces and nephews and many others as well.   She is truly an extraordinary woman!!

"Today is the best day of my life...Tomorrow won't be so good"--Grandma
Mon, Mar 5
     Cindy and I went to Lorna Devey's funeral with Grandma today.  It was a beautiful, sunny, warm afternoon.  Grandma was in great spirits but what amazes me the most is that she is realistic about the future at the same time.  She realizes that her health is deteriorating and that it will only get more difficult with each new day.  She is determined to find joy in each new day because she knows that tomorrow will be just a little more difficult.
    Cindy and I stopped and bought her a little surprise on our way down.  I don't think she was too thrilled...

"I've never been so excited about something I NEVER wanted!"
The cancer in her bones is causing some pain in her leg.  She mentioned that getting off the toilet is kind of difficult...  

SURPRISE!!!!!  Who knew they made a "toilet riser" for just such a thing.   
(Actually the thing is quite handy...I might look into one for myself.)

     The funeral was very nice and it was a special treat to see and visit with so many of the Alpine old-timers!  Once again we sat right behind Sister Julie Beck and her mother Sister Bangerter.   In his closing remarks the Bishop reminded us of Elder Richard G. Scott's words, "Happiness never ends, but sadness always does!"

After the funeral, Burke and Carolyn Heaton stopped by to visit...  

Burke asked Grandma how old she was.  When she told him she was 78 years old he said...  

"It took 78 years for cancer to catch you?  That's pretty good!"

"Your problem,"  he told Grandma, "is you've been over healthy and wore yourself out!"

It  was pretty touching to watch a big old grizzly of a man fighting with all his might to hold back tears.  Good old Burke has been a champion of Grandma's for a very long time.  He and Carolyn and their family are such dear friends to us Carlisle's.  
We love them so much!!!

P.S.  If any of you would like to share anything on this blogspot about Grandma please let Cindy or I (Cathy) know...we would love to share your "Swishclap."  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making this blog for Grandma. It is so fun to see the photos and hear about how strong you are Grandma! I am amazed at your strength and your faith.
