Friday, March 16, 2012

Grandma mentioned to me yesterday that more than anything she is determined to finish the Book of Mormon.  
I was really hoping she was in 1Nephi, but she just started in Helaman.  
Wouldn't it be awesome if as a family we could finish reading the Book of Mormon with her?  
Anyone up to the challenge?

I will try to keep where she is at in her reading posted on this blog
 so we can all try to keep up with her.

Thur, Mar 15
     GRANDMA'S understanding of the Plan of Salvation makes sense of the insensible and gives us all a better perspective.  Here are several thoughts she has shared recently that demonstrate her great understanding of Heavenly Fathers Plan of Happiness:

"My body is a temple.  I do the best I can to take care of it to 
show gratitude to my Heavenly Father."

"I know where I am headed...I just want to get there the best way I can."

"Christ suffered and endured for ALL of us...I just have to suffer and endure for one."

"When we get through this journey...we will be the people the Lord wants us to be!"

"The deeper ones testimony becomes, the greater the likelihood that one will successfully cope with the challenges of life and endure to the end."  Ezra Taft Benson

If you want, read D&C 101:36-39.


     Shanna gave me permission to share with all of you a poem she wrote in a recent letter to Grandma. The pictures are also some that she had emailed to me earlier this month that I just haven't had time yet to post.  Thanks Shanna...We love you!
By her fruits we have known her...
An abundant legacy overflowing
With goodness, kindness, charity, simplicity
A spiritual woman who cherishes her God. 
To her posterity, exemplifies a life fulfilled
An Ensign soaring
With patience, understanding, and unconditional love
Forever flourishing
Singlehandedly fighting the war that will save us all,
Encouraging us to don our armor
And join in the crusade for righteousness. 
We will stand indomitable
As the pillars she has erected for us.
Supporting the foundation
That engenders salvation
A gift bestowed by our Savior
And fortified
By a beautiful daughter of God! 


The following post was submitted by Christy
Fri, Mar 16 
About a month ago I ran across a letter that was written while Bob was on his mission (1978?).  It included a life sketch of many of her accomplishments.
I read this letter a few weeks before I heard about Grandma’s cancer.  I decided to call and tell her how much of an influence she has been and continues to be in my life.  So much of who I am and what I love can be attributed to Grandma—through nature or nurture.
I love to garden and be outdoors, to write and act and perform, to create and cook and entertain, and to be at home with my family to strengthen them.  I have learned great lessons from Grandma: how to cook wheat bread, how to eat healthy, how to serve others and that my relationships with others are more important that any thing I own. I do not think it a coincidence that I share these qualities with Grandma!
The letter describes a woman who exemplifies all that is virtuous and lovely about being a wife and mother.  It makes my heart swell to think that I have such a powerful example to look toward in both of my grandmothers and my own mother.  I hope to live my life in service to my family and others so that the same things might be said of me.
In a world where many forces combine to devalue mothers, Thank you Grandma for being an example of what a righteous mother and grandmother should be.

Love, Christy

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