Wednesday, March 7, 2012


...see what Grandma has had to put up with all these years?

When we were little she never had to raise her voice...all she had to do was threaten us with the "Wooden Spoon" by shaking the utensil drawer in the kitchen...and immediately we became her adorable picture perfect darlings! 

...look at what picture perfect adorable children we are!

Wed, Mar 7
     The thing about being one of Grandma's children is that she made each one of us feel so special that to this day we still argue who is her favorite.  Each of is is sure that we are her most favorite child.  Of course, Jack has argued the loudest so we all let him believe he's the favorite.  (That should get a comment.)

     Last year Grandma traveled to each of our homes and presented a Family Home Evening lesson to us.  Today I came across the little handout she gave to us to go along with her lesson and I thought I would share it.
"There is a war going on in my family and I'm going to war!
My headquarters is the temple.  My armor is God, and I'm
fighting Satan for the souls of my children and grandchildren.
The battle fields are drugs, pornography, immodesty, divorce,
co-habitation, lost testimonies and immorality.
My ammunition is love, patience, understanding, prayer with
temple attendance, and precious time spent with them.
Last, but not least, is living my own life the best I can as an
example to them and bearing my testimony often of the
divinity of God and His Son Jesus Christ."

 --From the Journal of LouCille Carlisle Hamnett
     WOW!!!    In our eyes, Grandma is certainly up there in the ranks with Captain Moroni!   She has led and loved us with more patience and understanding than any of us could ever comprehend.  Her prayers have strengthened  each of us in our personal battles and her testimony and example of courage will continue to sustain us through many more!  

"...shall we not go on in so great a cause?  Go forward and not backward.  Courage...and on, on to the victory!  Let you hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad."  --D&C 128:22

P.S.  Tomorrow is Bob's birthday!  Look for a special blog entry about him.  (It will even include a little more about the Wooden Spoon.)  That will give you all something to look forward to...

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