Friday, March 30, 2012

Wade's Baptism

Sat, Mar 24
     Before Wade's baptism we enjoyed a barbecue in the back yard of the Tithing House...

Of course David entertained us with his bees.  
His dad helped him catch a giant Bumblebee!!!

The spirit was felt by all as Wade was baptized a member of the 
The Church of 
Jesus Christ 
of Latter-day Saints 
Wade was baptized by Garett and confirmed by his Dad!  
Afterwards Grandma read him the special card she had written to him.  

While we enjoyed brownies and ice cream afterwards...Grandma got down on the floor and challenged Jacob, Jack and Wade to a wicked game of marbles...Grandma is still the champ!

 Thanks for bringing your marbles Jacob!

 P.S.  In her testimony Grandma remembered when Shaylan, Katie, and Garret were all baptized at The Ranch on the same day, so afterwards we got a picture of the three of them together again ten years later...

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Sat, Mar 24
     I don't know how he pulled it off, but Scott was able to get us a bunch of tickets to the Blaze game.  There were 40 of us, who despite broken down cars and several other mishaps, made it to the game.  We were "all fired up" in our matching Blazin' T-shirts!  After the game we all met down on the field for a group photo...  

What a sight to behold...

During the game the entire family was sitting on one side of the field...

And Grandma was on the other side sitting with Scott and Cherie'.

We could hardly wait for the end of the game so we could get down on that field to be with Grandma.  

While most of the Blaze fans were gathering the players autographs...
we were having Grandma sign our shirts.


Grandma had to keep us in line with her cane...  

It was especially fun to see Ted and his family who travelled down from Star Valley... 

As exciting and fun as the Blaze game was, it didn't compare with the joy we all felt at Wade's Baptism earlier that same day.  The next blog will be all about that special event...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

--Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Fri, Mar 23
     Grandma finally made it to Morgan!  What a happy day!  David Could hardly wait to show her his ANTS!     

TJ and Amber sent a sweet card to Grandma last week, and in it TJ wrote that whenever something difficult comes up in his life he likes to ask himself... 
"What would GRANDMA do?"  

Don't you just love that?  I think it is something we 
could all ask ourselves when life gets difficult, 
because Grandma is definitely one "CLASSY LADY" 
especially when things get tough. 

 She is: 
and every other

None of us could go wrong following her example...Because she follows the example of our 
Brother and Savior, Jesus Christ.

For those of you who are reading the Book of Mormon with Grandma she is in Helaman 7.


And for those who haven't started yet, it's not too late to catch up!

P.S.  You may have noticed in the pictures above that Grandma has a new friend...Aunt Donna had a cane custom made for her.  Grandma calls her new friend "Candy".  Another one of those things she wasn't too excited about, but for which she is very grateful for.  I told her she could use it to wave to people like President Hinckley did.

"Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured!"
--Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, March 19, 2012

"REMEMBER, REMEMBER that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation..." 
Helaman 5:12

Sun, Mar 18
     When Becca was living with our family a couple years ago, she talked in our ward and shared this scripture in Helaman that she had memorized.  She explained that it was their family scripture and they had all memorized it.  I was so impressed!  
     I came across it today in my scripture reading and thought again what an awesome scripture to memorize and internalize as a family.  I have watched Jack and and Julie and their kids take this to heart in their family as they have built a sturdy and sure foundation upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and I have witnessed, in a small way, as they have withstood the mighty winds and storms that have beat upon their family to no avail because of the rock upon which they have built.
Becca, Kade, Rachel, Jack and Wade all drove down to visit grandma Sunday and brought her a lasagna supper that their dad cooked up for  Grandma and Grandpa.  They enjoyed a wonderful Sunday afternoon visiting with Grandma...
     So here are the official rules of 
Grandma's Book of Mormon Challenge:
1-Read the Book of Mormon starting in the Book of Helaman.  You only have to read until the end of the Book of Moroni.  (We are trying to make this easy.) 
2-Memorize Helaman 5:12.
When you finish these 2 things Jack says he will make you a FREE pizza of your choice!!!  (Just be ready to recite the scripture you memorized to Jack.)  This offer expires Dec. 20, 2012. 
We can do this!!!

P.S.  For Jack's kids, who might be a little tired of pizza, Aunt Cathy has a special surprise for them when they finish the challenge.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Grandma mentioned to me yesterday that more than anything she is determined to finish the Book of Mormon.  
I was really hoping she was in 1Nephi, but she just started in Helaman.  
Wouldn't it be awesome if as a family we could finish reading the Book of Mormon with her?  
Anyone up to the challenge?

I will try to keep where she is at in her reading posted on this blog
 so we can all try to keep up with her.

Thur, Mar 15
     GRANDMA'S understanding of the Plan of Salvation makes sense of the insensible and gives us all a better perspective.  Here are several thoughts she has shared recently that demonstrate her great understanding of Heavenly Fathers Plan of Happiness:

"My body is a temple.  I do the best I can to take care of it to 
show gratitude to my Heavenly Father."

"I know where I am headed...I just want to get there the best way I can."

"Christ suffered and endured for ALL of us...I just have to suffer and endure for one."

"When we get through this journey...we will be the people the Lord wants us to be!"

"The deeper ones testimony becomes, the greater the likelihood that one will successfully cope with the challenges of life and endure to the end."  Ezra Taft Benson

If you want, read D&C 101:36-39.


     Shanna gave me permission to share with all of you a poem she wrote in a recent letter to Grandma. The pictures are also some that she had emailed to me earlier this month that I just haven't had time yet to post.  Thanks Shanna...We love you!
By her fruits we have known her...
An abundant legacy overflowing
With goodness, kindness, charity, simplicity
A spiritual woman who cherishes her God. 
To her posterity, exemplifies a life fulfilled
An Ensign soaring
With patience, understanding, and unconditional love
Forever flourishing
Singlehandedly fighting the war that will save us all,
Encouraging us to don our armor
And join in the crusade for righteousness. 
We will stand indomitable
As the pillars she has erected for us.
Supporting the foundation
That engenders salvation
A gift bestowed by our Savior
And fortified
By a beautiful daughter of God! 


The following post was submitted by Christy
Fri, Mar 16 
About a month ago I ran across a letter that was written while Bob was on his mission (1978?).  It included a life sketch of many of her accomplishments.
I read this letter a few weeks before I heard about Grandma’s cancer.  I decided to call and tell her how much of an influence she has been and continues to be in my life.  So much of who I am and what I love can be attributed to Grandma—through nature or nurture.
I love to garden and be outdoors, to write and act and perform, to create and cook and entertain, and to be at home with my family to strengthen them.  I have learned great lessons from Grandma: how to cook wheat bread, how to eat healthy, how to serve others and that my relationships with others are more important that any thing I own. I do not think it a coincidence that I share these qualities with Grandma!
The letter describes a woman who exemplifies all that is virtuous and lovely about being a wife and mother.  It makes my heart swell to think that I have such a powerful example to look toward in both of my grandmothers and my own mother.  I hope to live my life in service to my family and others so that the same things might be said of me.
In a world where many forces combine to devalue mothers, Thank you Grandma for being an example of what a righteous mother and grandmother should be.

Love, Christy

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Wed, Mar 14
     Cindy and I drove down to Grandma's this afternoon to meet with the Hospice Nurse.  We liked her immediately.  Everything she explained to Grandma about "Comfort Care" fit Grandma's wishes perfectly!  Rest assured that Grandma will be in very good hands.
     Bob, Melissa, Annie and Tiffany surprised her with a visit.  Melissa drove all the way from Rexburg.  Grandma was so tickled.

Finally...The Parable of the Wooden Spoon

     This is a picture of Grandma and Bob holding the wooden spoon he carved her out of wood from a lilac bush that he gave her for her birthday a while back.  He wrote her a sweet story about the symbolism of the wooden spoon.  I will try to paraphrase it...
"The wood this spoon was made from began as a small lilac seedling many years ago.  As the years passed the seedling grew into a small tree that gave beauty to the farm on which it grew.  In spite of strong winds, hail storms, heavy drifting snow, disease, and drought, it was successful in fulfilling its mission in life.  Through these trials, the wood of the tree became as strong as iron.  Many generations will benefit from this strength.  One day a fire came to the farm and the small tree was lost.  Many people mourned the loss.  But, the sadness was needless because the fire had brought new life to the lilacs.  The roots of the tree were the foundation and from the charred trunks sprung up new shoots of life.  The wooden spoon represents the nourishment and nurturing Grandma has give each of us." --Bob

Scott has been staying with Grandma all week, and believe it or not he has been stirring up more than just he is in Grandma's kitchen preparing her and Vaughn a delicious supper...

 Cindy and I got to sample his yummy fruit smoothie before we returned home.  Thanks Scott for taking such good care of Mom.
We love you!

Just one more thing...

Today is the Utah Republican Caucus. 

If you are wondering how Grandma is going to vote just take a look at this...

"We need Mitt Romney as President, 
but right now Mitt Romney needs us!"--Grandma

Grandma should so be his campaign manager, don't you think?

P.S.  Keep on praying for "Green Banana Days!"  Your prayers have been felt!  Grandma is certain it has been all of your prayers that have strengthened and sustained her these last couple of weeks.  She wants everyone to know how grateful she is and how much she loves all of you!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Let Your Light So Shine!"

This post was submitted by Garett
Wed, Mar 14
Here's a poem I wrote that signifies grandma.

Canyon Storms

A faint booming rages from the west,
The echo alerts the wind.
Gusts storm across the crest,
Trees whisper the secret.

Dark clouds summer-sault in-between,
The bang challenges the cloud.
The dark slips by oh so clean,
But light breaks the proud.

The light is hidden from the darkness,
Only to escape from the fight.
To yell it's power to the darkness,
And emerge with utmost sight.

For, two forces are so different,
One so dark, one so bright.
Still some don't embrace it,
Both, though, have a purpose in sight.
          - Garett Carlisle

This poem reminds me of grandma's light.  We all have light, some fainter than others, but grandma's is that kind of light that "emerges with utmost sight."  As Matthew 5:16 reads, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."  I pray and hope that all of us can find that light and share it with others as Grandma does.  Because that is our "purpose in sight." 

P.S. (From Cathy)  Jack spent a wonderful day with Grandma yesterday.  He said she was feeling good and enjoyed visiting with many sisters in the ward.  A special treat was when Ramon and Sister Julie Beck stopped by.  
Thanks Garett for your post!  What a thoughtful, beautiful tribute to Grandma!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Ha! Ha! Ha!
Tues, Mar 13
     When I called Grandma this morning and asked how she was feeling she said "It is a Green Banana Day!"  That means she is feeling good and there is plenty of life left in her.  When it is a "Ripe Banana Day" that will mean she's is running out of steam.  

     When I came home last night from being at Grandma's all day, David grabbed my hand to kiss it and said, " smell like Grandma."  After several minutes of sniffing and kissing my hand he said again, " smell like Grandma.  Can I lick you?"

     Well...that's all for tonight.  I am still waiting for Jack to call me and tell me how his day was today with Grandma.  I will post it tomorrow.  Meanwhile, pray for more "Green Banana Days!"
Grandma's Gone Tech Savvy!

"You only have to push one button!"

     Steve set Grandma up with her very own computer so she can follow her blog.  You should see her go...She is a whizz on the computer...who would have thought?  Oh, the miracle of modern technology.  It is all set up so she only has to push one button and her blog appears.  

Submitted by Cindy
Sat, Mar 10
     All 17 of the Jensen family visited Grandma today.  Boy did we overwhelm her with kids and kisses!!!!  The day was beautiful so the kids had fun playing in the playhouse, seeing the chickens, and of course playing with Jackson. 

     Everyone has offered to adopt Jackson but Grandpa says "Absolutely not!"  Grandma had a big yesterday too.  She went to Tammy's to get her hair done, out to eat with Aunt Donna, Susan, Sherrie, and Sonya, a wedding in the ward (Mower's), and then a pizza party with Phil and Kris's family.  I can't believe Grandma's stamina.  She is determined to live each day to it's fullest, and boy does she ever!!!!

     After our visit at the house we piled into cars and headed to Provo to celebrate both Shelby and Aaron's birthdays.  Grandma looked tired and I told her she didn't have to go if she didn't feel like it.  Oh right...miss a party?  She got all dolled up and both she and Grandpa enjoyed dinner and the works at the Riverwoods.  She really loves going out and being with everyone.  We had so much fun.  Thanks Grandma for making the day so perfect!!!

Update submitted by Cathy
Mon, Mar 12
     We visited the Oncologist today.  Not much news.  Pretty much just what we already know.  Grandma was feeling great today though.  She kept remarking how much better she felt.  Her legs were not giving her much pain and she said her head was much clearer.  

     Her house is full of flowers!!!  Kathleen's mom sent her a beautiful bouquet while Cindy and 
I were there.  It had the most thoughtful card attached.  Her card basket is also overflowing with letters and cards from grandkids, friends, and even people she has never met.  A young mother who attended
the institute class where the instructor read Grandma's "Going to War" poem was so touched by that poem that she found out who Grandma was and wrote her a beautiful letter.

     Grandma keeps saying, "I can't wait to meet the woman all these people are talking about!"  She seriously has no idea what a remarkable person she is.  Her calendar is filled with lunch dates and visits with friends and the phone never stops ringing!  Every time we take her anywhere she runs into people she knows and everyone of them are "dear, dear friends."  I am seriously beginning to wonder if there is a single person on earth that Grandma hasn't influenced in some way or another for good.

     Right now, the visits and phone calls seem to invigorate and energize her!  They are medicine to her soul.  She appreciates and loves everyone so much.  THANK YOU!!!!!!