Wednesday, May 2, 2012

    The evening Grandma shared with the Young Women from her ward when they visited with her a week or so ago will never be forgotten!!!!   Grandma was renewed and energized by their sweet spirits, and the young women were edified and taught eternal truths through Grandma's testimony and the spirit they each felt that night.

From Grandma's Journal dated May 1, 2012
     TWO months since my diagnosis of cancer.  When they said I had 2-6 months left it sounded like a lot of time, but I have now used up 2 months and it went so fast I can't believe it.  What a journey it has been.  God is definitely in charge.  I have had some unbelievable experiences.  I learn something new everyday or I should say every night.  In the stillness of darkness I am taught new truths and last night or early this morning I was taught again.  
     I lay awake in the darkness and was thinking about how the youth of our ward has rallied around me and my illness and seem to be drawn to me in such a spiritual way that I was trying to figure out the connection.  I really haven't worked with the youth or had much to do with them because of my age and I couldn't figure out how it all connected them.  Then these thoughts begin to form in my mind. 
     My thoughts went back to the morning Bishop Hadley came to my house and gave me the most beautiful blessing that I have ever had or heard.  It was the very next day after the Bishop heard of my cancer.  I felt and in my mind I could see the blessing funneling straight up.  I have never heard or had a blessing funneled up before, but this blessing was.  
     The biggest concern Bishop Hadley has had as Bishop is for the youth and families in our ward.  I don't remember much of the blessing or all that was said, but I do remember being told that I would be a strong influence to the ward through my strength and love of eternal life and would be able to bless the homes and youth of the church members in the ward.  I have felt this strength from the Lord.  
     I didn't understand fully until early this morning, but that blessing given to me by the Bishop was through the Lord.  I am nothing without Him.  Because of the love and concern from the Bishop for his ward family, I have been blessed with the opportunity to be an instrument of the Lord in teaching truths to the youth and their families.  
     In spite of our weaknesses the Lord has blessed us and we are receiving His tender mercies.  I don't even have to say anything, others just feel the things the Lord wants them to.  They just connect to the Spirit the Lord has blessed me with.  What a blessing this calling is to me.  With so many prayers in my behalf how could I fail.  I finally understand Nephi when he said,  "With out the Lord I am really nothing."

      Grandma wrote these thoughts in her journal Monday morning.  That evening a young woman from the ward drove up on her scooter to deliver an envelope of letters that her and her family had written to Grandma for Family Home Evening.  The thoughts this sweet family shared about Grandma touched me in such a powerful way.  They represent how so many of us feel about her.   Not to mention fulfill a promise from the Lord through a Priesthood Blessing from a loving Bishop.
     Grandma gave me permission to share them with you:

          I am just so in awe of the far reaching influence Grandma has had on so many lives, and so grateful for her ward family and all her dear friends (young and old) who return that love to our sweet Mom and Grandma!  THANK YOU!!!!

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