Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tues, May 22
     This past week has brought many more challenges into Grandma's life as her cancer has progressed. It has been awe inspiring to watch her gather even greater faith and courage to meet these challenges.
     "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."  Alma 37:6
     I believe that much of her determination comes from the small and simple acts of kindness she receives in daily doses from her many friends and family members.   I spent the afternoon with Grandma yesterday, and in just the short time that I was there I was amazed at the outpouring of kindness she received.

    Rod Heaton stopped by to tell her what an inspiration she has been to him over the course of his life.   She was so pleased when he told her how pretty she looked.  Which of course she always looks beautiful!!

Grandma's sweet massage therapist stopped in to give her a quick "feel good" massage.  

     A neighbor, Ann Sweeney, dropped off some homemade Teddy Bear Bread.   She received phone calls from Uncle Evert, Aunt Vivian, and Burke Heaton that cheered her up immensely.  Vaughn's daughter LuAnn brings in a lovely meal almost every single time I am there.   The thoughtful cards, flowers, phone calls and visits never seem to let up. 
What an outpouring of love!!

And then, just when she needs them most...
in rides her Two Knights in Shining Armor!!
       Armed with power tools and a big truck, Kirby and Nolan arrived with a new reclining chair that will make it easier for Grandma to maneuver.  They also adjusted her bed so that she can sleep better and installed a new shower head in her shower.  

     While these may seem small and inconsequential...
together these acts of kindness create a  
MIRACLE of great significance!

Thank You Everyone!

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