Monday, April 16, 2012


Sat, Apr 14
     For the past month as Grandma has fought courageously her battle with cancer our family has learned, just as Elder Snow described in a General Conference talk several years ago, that
"strangely enough...cancer is a disease of love.  It provides opportunities to mend fences, say goodbye, and express love."   

     Aunt Donna generously provided the Turner Clan a place to all meet together and express our love to one another.   There were over 100 of us who came and enjoyed good food, great company, and lots of lovin'!  Grandma and her 2 brothers and 4 sisters have lived their entire lives within just a short distance of one another.  Each of them are battling right now with different health issues.  Grandma's Cancer has taught us how precious our time together is and that we should never take anything or anyone for granted. 
     I for one am very grateful to all of my aunts and uncles for the influence they have had on my life.  Not to mention my cousins!  I love them all dearly and attribute all that is good in my life to FAMILY!

     We missed having Uncle Ron with us.  He is in a nursing home.  Aunt Viv takes such good care of him.  Grandma, Cindy and I went and visited him a couple weeks ago and had such a sweet experience.  He gave us each a kiss on the cheek before we left.

     While none of us know for certain when we will leave this life...we ought to be certain that the important people in our lives know how much they mean to us!  Many of us have created a "bucket list" of things we would like to do before we die.  Often we think of skydiving or climbing Mount Everest.  I have learned a great lesson from Grandma's "bucket list."  

          1- Finish the Book of Mormon
          2-Share testimony
          4-And one more Turner Family Reunion!
     I have asked myself many times, "How does Grandma manage to stay happy so much of the time?"  Her life has in no way been less difficult than other people's, but she seems to always be smiling!   I have come to learn that it is because she chooses to be happy.  She chooses to be grateful and to share with others everything she has!  In doing so she makes the world around her a better and brighter place!

P.S.  The Doctor prescribed Prozac for Grandma...her reaction?
"NO PROZAC!!!  I have too much to learn and too many to teach!"

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Lucy your such a remarkable woman of strength, your example and spirit has made me want to be such a better person. The love you have for your family, Father in Heaven and His son Jesus Christ is so solid. You have taught us much, even before the cancer!...Natasha was tickled pink to recieve your letter, we have framed the letter and you picture because it meant that much to her and she wants to wake up every morning and look at at she said..thank you for loving us all...we love you!!!...LISA!!
