Tuesday, April 10, 2012


From Grandma's Journal dated, Sunday March 30, 1997

Because of General Conference next week, today was Fast Day, so I've had time to sit and ponder.  Church doesn't begin until 1:30 pm.  The thought came into my mind that I am on third base of the baseball game of life.  I hit a great field ball by beginning in a good Latter-day Saint family.

As a child, I didn't get to church much.  We lived way out of town and just didn't get to church, but we were taught by example to be honest, truthful, friendly, and loving to others.  Even though family members did not keep the Word of Wisdom, we were taught not keeping the Word of Wisdom was harmful.

As a child I ran hard to first base.  We were taught to work hard.  Money was scarce so we planned and worked to survive.  As I got older and we moved close enough to church that I could walk, I did so a lot of the time by myself. The Lord blessed me and the Holy Ghost accompanied me and I made it safely to first.

Second base was a little harder and a lot more treacherous.  Nevertheless, I ran hard and prayed a lot and though the ball was thrown to second base it was an overthrow and I landed safely on second.

Running for third was even harder because I had other players on the bases that I was responsible for;  six of them. Also I had a coach I didn't want to let down; my husband.  Still I ran hard and prayed a lot and as my foot hit  third so did the ball.  However, Satan on third tried so hard to get me out that he was overcome and fell to the ground.  I was safe on third.

Now I am at third base waiting for someone to hit me in so I can run to home plate and score.  I'm tired, the sun is hot.  I am hoping for a strategy that will bring me home safely.  I'm depending on others on the side lines to cheer me on and to give me that boost I need to run the last base to home.  My legs are weary, the dust in my eyes clouds home plate.  Can I make it?

I've come so far, so many are depending on me to score.  Can I do it or will I weaken and quit on the base line before I make it home and score?  The third base coach begins to look like my six children and their mates cheering me on.  The adrenalin begins to flow.  Strength begins to fill my body.  The batter hits a good ball and I am off running to home plate.

The Holy Ghost clears the way as I run toward home plate.  Yes!  I can endure, I must endure.  So many depend on me. I must keep going until I score.  My Father will be there to hug and congratulate me.  I can't let Him down.  He has been with me from the time I first hit the ball.  I can't disappoint Him.  I MUST run the last base well and reach home plate and score.

I say to myself, "Run Lucy, run and score."  I stumble...I fall...but the Savior picks me up and I keep running, running toward home plate.

P.S.  Grandma's other leg started giving out on her over Easter weekend.  The tumor in her spine is compressing her nerves and affecting her legs.  With the help of her walker she still keeps a pretty fast pace.  Grandpa is still having to run to keep up with her:)  

Please keep her in your prayers.  Your prayers are what sustain her and keep her going!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a trooper! Your whole team is cheering you on. There will be no errors in this game. Your run to home base will be facilitated by by a hit over the fence and we will all follow you in for a ninth inning win never seen before! Hang in there - we love you!
