Thursday, April 26, 2012


Wed, Apr 25
     For those of you who have read Tuesday's With Morrie by Mitch Albom, Cindy and I have what we call our WEDNESDAY'S WITH MOM!  We are definitely "Wednesday People."  My very favorite day of the week!

     Each Wednesday we go to Grandma's and meet with the Hospice nurse.   Afterwards, Grandma usually has a very special day planned for the three of us.  Last Wednesday we went to the Temple and of course we had a beautiful experience.  This Wednesday Grandma wanted to go to the mall and buy a new dress for Mother's Day.  Shelby works at the mall and was able to meet us for lunch.

     Every moment we spend with Grandma we are strengthened by her courage and taught such beautiful truths through her example and words.

     Grandma wants each of you to know how important your prayers have been.  She knows they are being answered and she has been blessed greatly through them.  While the cancer continues to weaken her body...your prayers strengthen her and erase any pain and discomfort.
     Several weeks ago the Hospice nurse left Grandma a book on life after death experiences.  When Grandma returned it, the nurse asked her what she thought of it.  Grandma told her she wasn't interested in other people's experiences, "I'm writing my own story!" she replied.  "I am interested in my Father in Heaven and the Savior's words to help me on my journey to the next life."

     Later the nurse asked Grandma if she was sleeping well.  Grandma replied, "The Lord wakes me up every night to visit.  It is a most beautiful and special time."  Here are a couple of the visits she has recounted in her journal that she said I could share with you:

 Grandma's Journal entry dated April 24, 2012
As I sit here early this morning I was reflecting on my nights and how each night I sleep for around 4 hours and then I wake up from a deep sleep and reflect on my spiritual time with my Father in Heaven and also on my family. 

I wonder at the mercies of God as to why He has given me this great blessing of preparing me to be more worthy to be welcomed home.  Not many people I know have been given such a blessing.  

I've been given angels to help me.  I want to be worthy of this blessing and the angels are helping me and leading the way.  

I've been given the blessing to know God and my Savior in a beautiful way.  This is the one instance when I do ask "Why Me?"  

I am not perfect.  I have my personality problems and need a lot of help from good faithful teachers.  "Why Me?"  

But the important thing is "What...What do I need to do?"  I need to be grateful, do better, love more and teach others.   What an incredible journey I am on!

How could you ever appreciate
The warmth and light of heaven,
If you never experienced the
Cold and darkness of Earth life?

We could not have walked the
Dusty roads of Earth life,
Without the sweetness of the Holy Ghost.
With His hands in ours we are shown the way.

Hold on tight, there are hills to climb,
And the rocky valleys to walk.
There is sweetness and sadness to
Teach us lessons we must learn.

To return with honor we do what has been taught.
Hold on to these truths.
The journey is so very short,
Compared with the eternal blessing that is promised there.
(From Grandma's journal dated Monday, April 9, 2010)

Monday, April 16, 2012


Sat, Apr 14
     For the past month as Grandma has fought courageously her battle with cancer our family has learned, just as Elder Snow described in a General Conference talk several years ago, that
"strangely enough...cancer is a disease of love.  It provides opportunities to mend fences, say goodbye, and express love."   

     Aunt Donna generously provided the Turner Clan a place to all meet together and express our love to one another.   There were over 100 of us who came and enjoyed good food, great company, and lots of lovin'!  Grandma and her 2 brothers and 4 sisters have lived their entire lives within just a short distance of one another.  Each of them are battling right now with different health issues.  Grandma's Cancer has taught us how precious our time together is and that we should never take anything or anyone for granted. 
     I for one am very grateful to all of my aunts and uncles for the influence they have had on my life.  Not to mention my cousins!  I love them all dearly and attribute all that is good in my life to FAMILY!

     We missed having Uncle Ron with us.  He is in a nursing home.  Aunt Viv takes such good care of him.  Grandma, Cindy and I went and visited him a couple weeks ago and had such a sweet experience.  He gave us each a kiss on the cheek before we left.

     While none of us know for certain when we will leave this life...we ought to be certain that the important people in our lives know how much they mean to us!  Many of us have created a "bucket list" of things we would like to do before we die.  Often we think of skydiving or climbing Mount Everest.  I have learned a great lesson from Grandma's "bucket list."  

          1- Finish the Book of Mormon
          2-Share testimony
          4-And one more Turner Family Reunion!
     I have asked myself many times, "How does Grandma manage to stay happy so much of the time?"  Her life has in no way been less difficult than other people's, but she seems to always be smiling!   I have come to learn that it is because she chooses to be happy.  She chooses to be grateful and to share with others everything she has!  In doing so she makes the world around her a better and brighter place!

P.S.  The Doctor prescribed Prozac for Grandma...her reaction?
"NO PROZAC!!!  I have too much to learn and too many to teach!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


From Grandma's Journal dated, Sunday March 30, 1997

Because of General Conference next week, today was Fast Day, so I've had time to sit and ponder.  Church doesn't begin until 1:30 pm.  The thought came into my mind that I am on third base of the baseball game of life.  I hit a great field ball by beginning in a good Latter-day Saint family.

As a child, I didn't get to church much.  We lived way out of town and just didn't get to church, but we were taught by example to be honest, truthful, friendly, and loving to others.  Even though family members did not keep the Word of Wisdom, we were taught not keeping the Word of Wisdom was harmful.

As a child I ran hard to first base.  We were taught to work hard.  Money was scarce so we planned and worked to survive.  As I got older and we moved close enough to church that I could walk, I did so a lot of the time by myself. The Lord blessed me and the Holy Ghost accompanied me and I made it safely to first.

Second base was a little harder and a lot more treacherous.  Nevertheless, I ran hard and prayed a lot and though the ball was thrown to second base it was an overthrow and I landed safely on second.

Running for third was even harder because I had other players on the bases that I was responsible for;  six of them. Also I had a coach I didn't want to let down; my husband.  Still I ran hard and prayed a lot and as my foot hit  third so did the ball.  However, Satan on third tried so hard to get me out that he was overcome and fell to the ground.  I was safe on third.

Now I am at third base waiting for someone to hit me in so I can run to home plate and score.  I'm tired, the sun is hot.  I am hoping for a strategy that will bring me home safely.  I'm depending on others on the side lines to cheer me on and to give me that boost I need to run the last base to home.  My legs are weary, the dust in my eyes clouds home plate.  Can I make it?

I've come so far, so many are depending on me to score.  Can I do it or will I weaken and quit on the base line before I make it home and score?  The third base coach begins to look like my six children and their mates cheering me on.  The adrenalin begins to flow.  Strength begins to fill my body.  The batter hits a good ball and I am off running to home plate.

The Holy Ghost clears the way as I run toward home plate.  Yes!  I can endure, I must endure.  So many depend on me. I must keep going until I score.  My Father will be there to hug and congratulate me.  I can't let Him down.  He has been with me from the time I first hit the ball.  I can't disappoint Him.  I MUST run the last base well and reach home plate and score.

I say to myself, "Run Lucy, run and score."  I stumble...I fall...but the Savior picks me up and I keep running, running toward home plate.

P.S.  Grandma's other leg started giving out on her over Easter weekend.  The tumor in her spine is compressing her nerves and affecting her legs.  With the help of her walker she still keeps a pretty fast pace.  Grandpa is still having to run to keep up with her:)  

Please keep her in your prayers.  Your prayers are what sustain her and keep her going!  

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Fri, Apr 6
     Together, Mike and Mitch wanted to get a gift for their Grandma.  They wanted it to be special and something that she would enjoy.  After careful thought, they came up with what they hoped would be the PERFECT GIFT...both of them finished reading the Book of Mormon!!!  When their Mom told Grandma what they had done, she was so tickled!  That thoughtful gift from those two boys touched her heart very deeply!

     One of Grandma's greatest desires for her children and grandchildren is to be happy! And she knows that the answers to attaining PERFECT HAPPINESS are found in the Book of Mormon.  Mike and Mitch's gift was truly the PERFECT GIFT!

     For those of you still reading with Grandma, I peeked in her scriptures to find out where she was.  She is in 3 Nephi chapter 6.  She said that once she reaches 3 Nephi it gets really difficult to put the book down.  Reading about Christ's visit to the Nephites is just so beautiful especially during Easter!


Thursday, April 5, 2012


Wed, Apr 4
     Cindy and I visited Grandma today.  I know she really looks forward to our visits because she can hardly wait to see what fun surprise we have brought her.  Today it was a Handicap Parking Placard.  SURPRISE!   She hates it.  And I mean really hates it!  But she insisted we take her for a ride just so we could find a handicap parking place to park.
     We stopped for lunch in a little strip mall.  The only handicap parking spot was about 3 stores down from where we wanted to eat.  After lunch, still determined to get some benefit from the ugly thing hanging from the rear view mirror, we went to the bank.  Once again the only handicap parking spot was clear on the other side of the bank, not anywhere near the entrance.
     I am starting to think that Cindy and I should just stick to bringing Grandma flowers...

Mon, Apr 2
     I was able to visit Grandma on Monday and go to her institute class with her.  WOW!!!  The instructor asked Grandma to give the opening prayer.  It was beautiful!  Later, Grandma asked if she could share something with the class that she had learned during General Conference.  This is what she shared:
I was promised in this class last week by Sister Name that if I would prepare myself to listen to conference with ears to hear, I would be told by God through his prophets what I need to know, what I need to do, and what questions I had would be answered.

I was blessed one month ago with knowledge of the last challenge I would have in my life was upon me.

When I was diagnosed March 1st with terminal cancer at stage 4, I had one month to prepare myself for conference.  I don’t think it was by chance that this happened.

I have had many prayers in my behalf said, I have been strengthened by these prayers by many and I went to the conference table hungry and I was fed by prophets of God.

President Eyering taught me the things I needed to do and President Monson taught me that if I do the things I needed to do I would be met by a living Father in Heaven.

I realized I was going home and Father in Heaven would open the front door and let me in.  I didn’t need to be perfect I just needed to repent and do the best I could.  His Son would be there also to meet me and through His atoning sacrifice he had paid their price for me to come home to live in peace and to a fullness of joy.

I have been given the ultimate gift.  I pray for the strength that I can take this gift and pass the test and that is enduring to the end.
Written by Grandma April 2, 2012  at 3AM  the night after Sunday Conference.
     There wasn't a dry eye in the room.  The instructor could barely get a hold of her emotions to continue the lesson.  Afterwards several women handed Grandma notes they had written during class to her.  One woman who had never even met Grandma wrote her a beautiful letter.  It was one of the most profound experiences I have ever witnessed.  

     It has been a busy week for Grandma.  One of the highlights was her visit from Jeremy.  He will be deployed to Afghanistan this month and was given permission to come see Grandma.  
Earlier last week, while in Morgan, she was able to stop and see Christy in her new home in Mountain Green.  

Hannah has been writing a beautiful piano piece for Grandma and played if for us.  It was AWESOME!

Ethan also played a beautiful piano piece for Grandma.
He is so talented.

I was able to snap a picture of Amberlee with Grandma, but I never could get Christy's other little boys to sit still long enough...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Sun, Mar 25
   Through the miracle of texting, 48 of us Crazy Carlisle's ended up at Chuck-A-Rama for lunch last Sunday afternoon.  When Grandma pulled up to the restaurant she said, "Oh look how crowded it is...we will never get a table."  And then it began to dawn on her that all the people waiting outside were here kids, grandkids and great grandkids!

   What an amazing thing to have so many of us gathered together at one place with so little planning or notice.   

   Even Neil and Katie Jane who had been canyoneering in southern Utah over the weekend, just happened to be passing by the restaurant while we were there and were able to join us. 

   While we don't usually eat out on the Sabbath, there was something special about this event.  In Grandma's journal she wrote,
"For some reason I felt as if the Lord was smiling down upon us and this was a gift from Him and Grandpa."
   I remember as a small girl on several occasions when Dad would give Mom a break on Sunday by taking the family out to dinner to Chuck-A -Rama.  This is still one of my fondest memories as a little girl of my Dad.

P.S.  As I was checking out, the manager of the restaurant mentioned that he and several of the servers noticed something "remarkable" about our family.  They were astonished that we were all able to sit together in the same room during a busy Sunday afternoon.  He said, "We all felt something special enter when your family arrived."