Friday, May 25, 2012

Amy Fielding stopped by with a smile that lit up our dreary rainy day with pure "Sunshine"!

Friday, Mar 25
     This week has been full of ups and downs.  Grandma has always said that, "Everything good comes with sacrifice."  Each new hurdle that this cancer brings into Grandma's life has been compensated with even greater blessings.  As it becomes more difficult for Grandma to manage on her own, Cindy and I have had the opportunity to spend more time with her.  Can I just say that it has been AMAZING!!! 

     With sheer determination, Grandma made it to Senior Citizens today for lunch and B-I-N-G-O!  She won a Ding-dong and a roll of toilet paper.   Its amazing how much joy can be found in the simplest things.  

      Grandma's sweet teenage neighbor, Shelby Walker, dropped off a bag of ice chips from Macey's.  Talk about Heaven Sent!!!   Grandma was so appreciative because it has been difficult to drink water or juice.   The ice chips are perfect!  She calls Shelby and her mom her "Earth Angels" because they are always looking out for her and Grandpa.


      Grandma's appetite has also decreased.  Nothing seems to taste very good lately.  I did show her the picture Becca and Garett posted on Facebook today of the lunch they had made and she wanted some pretty badly. 

"Amigo, Amigo, where did you get your hamburger?"

     You two just might have to make a road trip to Grandma's house to cook her up a burger, sautéed vegetables and homemade fries.

      Tonight Grandma finally got caught up on her journal.  She hadn't written in it since Monday.  It has really been bothering her.  She said, "I have such a hard time having an empty page.  I can't imagine not writing my day down."  What a blessing Grandma's journals have been and will continue to be to our family. 

     Anyways, Grandma sends you all her love and wants you to know that whatever the challenges or trials you might be facing to remember that there are always compensating blessing to be found!!  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tues, May 22
     This past week has brought many more challenges into Grandma's life as her cancer has progressed. It has been awe inspiring to watch her gather even greater faith and courage to meet these challenges.
     "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."  Alma 37:6
     I believe that much of her determination comes from the small and simple acts of kindness she receives in daily doses from her many friends and family members.   I spent the afternoon with Grandma yesterday, and in just the short time that I was there I was amazed at the outpouring of kindness she received.

    Rod Heaton stopped by to tell her what an inspiration she has been to him over the course of his life.   She was so pleased when he told her how pretty she looked.  Which of course she always looks beautiful!!

Grandma's sweet massage therapist stopped in to give her a quick "feel good" massage.  

     A neighbor, Ann Sweeney, dropped off some homemade Teddy Bear Bread.   She received phone calls from Uncle Evert, Aunt Vivian, and Burke Heaton that cheered her up immensely.  Vaughn's daughter LuAnn brings in a lovely meal almost every single time I am there.   The thoughtful cards, flowers, phone calls and visits never seem to let up. 
What an outpouring of love!!

And then, just when she needs them most...
in rides her Two Knights in Shining Armor!!
       Armed with power tools and a big truck, Kirby and Nolan arrived with a new reclining chair that will make it easier for Grandma to maneuver.  They also adjusted her bed so that she can sleep better and installed a new shower head in her shower.  

     While these may seem small and inconsequential...
together these acts of kindness create a  
MIRACLE of great significance!

Thank You Everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Candy Kinser

Brenda Blackwell
Wed, May 16
     Every Wednesday morning we have the privilege of being graced with the tender mercy and compassion of Grandma's Hospice Nurses Candy and Brenda.
     Each week they come to Grandma's house bringing a ray of hope and sunshine.  We look forward to their visits.  I wish each of you could witness the love they feel for our Grandma and the gentle way they care for her.
     Actually, I think they enjoy visiting with Grandma as much as we enjoy their friendship.  I have jotted a few remarks made during our visits.  (I have a feeling that Grandma is not their typical patient.)

BRENDA:  "How are you feeling."
GRANDMA:  "I can't complain.  This diagnosis of cancer has taken the worry out of life.                      
                        I don't have to be afraid anymore of doing something that might cause cancer."

CANDY:  "I come here to serve and leave feeling edified." 

CANDY:  "Everything surrounding you is beautiful...your home, your daughters." 

GRANDMA:  "I know where I am headed.  I just want to get there the best way I can." 
CANDY:  "You have the most healthy attitude I have ever seen." 

BRENDA:  "Sorry I brought you bad news." (After reading Grandma's blood pressure.) 
GRANDMA:  "What's bad news?" 

CANDY:  "You are our athlete!  Your body fights this cancer like an athlete."  

CANDY:  "You are my hero!  One day it is going to be my turn and you are teaching me."  

CANDY:  "Is the swelling in your legs bothering you?"
GRANDMA:  "Nope, I just wear longer skirts."  

Lisa Melton sent Grandma a card that said this:  
"God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.  
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it!"

     I am truly grateful to a loving Heavenly Father for sending Grandma these two beautiful angels to help us through this journey...

                                 When it comes to death and dying                                 
There's a special gift you share
One that Angels all admire
One that goes beyond just care

It's a gift of deep commitment
One that eases pain and fear
And alleviates the sorrow
When the hour of death is near

Yet this gift is more than comfort
More than nursing at its best
For it cradles every patient
Right up till their last request

In this gift you give compassion
Wrapped in dignity and love
And in honor of your calling
There's a tribute found above

As a tribute to your Nursing
All the care that you bestow
High above this earthly planet
Hangs a Hospice Nurse Rainbow

And this rainbow graces Heaven
A reminder of your goals
"End-of-life-care" you excel at
It's your gift to human souls

To the soul of every patient
Every brother, Mom and Dad
Every household member present
Every heart that's feeling sad

To alleviate this sadness
That engulfs a grieving heart
Counseling and intervention
Set your Nursing skills apart

So within the skies of Heaven
Bows of silver dangle high
On a rainbow made of glory
That makes every Angel sigh

And upon each bow of silver
There appears a nurse's name
As an everlasting tribute
For the Heavens to proclaim.

P.S.  We finally found a place to use Grandma's handicap parking permit.  Either the parking spots are a mile away from where we want to go or they are all taken.  Turns out the movie theater in the middle of the day is a great place to park!!!

The movie was enjoyable too, by the way.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Two of the most remarkable Mothers I know!
Sun, May 13
     What a special Mother's Day!  We enjoyed a yummy lunch and pleasant afternoon with Grandma in her front yard.  She looked absolutely beautiful!  Every time I see my Mom I am struck by how beautiful she is.  The Lord described it best when He described Emma as an "Elect Lady."  That is how all of us feel about our Mom and Grandma.

     As I thought about all the things that make our Grandma an "Elect Lady" I realized that it is her faith, grace and joyful attitude in welcoming every task and challenge in her life that has molded her into the MOTHER OF GREAT FAITH that she is!  

     As we visited throughout the afternoon, I watched and admired all of the Mothers and one-day-to-be Mothers in our family and was touched deeply by the beauty and reverence I feel for motherhood.  I thought of our Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness and the role mothers play in His great plan.  What a joy and an honor it is to be a Mom!!!




This is the first time Katie Jane ever held a baby!  
And guess what?  It looked liked they both enjoyed it!

Soon to be married GRANDDAUGHTERS who will one day be MOTHERS OF FAITH...

Soon to have her Missionary home and hopefully to be married GRANDDAUGHTER who will one day be a MOTHER OF FAITH...

And YOUNG GRANDDAUGHTERS who are preparing to be MOTHERS OF FAITH...

     And that is just a small part of the remarkable vision of Motherhood we experienced yesterday as a family gathered around our beautiful Mother and Grandmother!  We are so blessed to have such a beautiful example and guiding light! 

What an honor and privilege it is to be your daughters!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, May 6
     After attending Grandpa's great-grandson's baby blessing, Grandma and Grandpa made a surprise visit to Morgan to attend Jocelyn's baby blessing (a great-granddaughter).  Near the end of the meeting we all held our breath as Grandma made her way up to the stand to bear her testimony.   Her love for our Savior touched us all deeply.  The words she spoke penetrated all of our hearts.  What a legacy of love she has bestowed upon her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
     Afterwards, we enjoyed a picnic in the park.  It's funny how in this busy, crazy, mixed-up world this experience with Grandma is teaching us to appreciate the simple joys in life!  As my daughter Sarah would say, "TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

    The evening Grandma shared with the Young Women from her ward when they visited with her a week or so ago will never be forgotten!!!!   Grandma was renewed and energized by their sweet spirits, and the young women were edified and taught eternal truths through Grandma's testimony and the spirit they each felt that night.

From Grandma's Journal dated May 1, 2012
     TWO months since my diagnosis of cancer.  When they said I had 2-6 months left it sounded like a lot of time, but I have now used up 2 months and it went so fast I can't believe it.  What a journey it has been.  God is definitely in charge.  I have had some unbelievable experiences.  I learn something new everyday or I should say every night.  In the stillness of darkness I am taught new truths and last night or early this morning I was taught again.  
     I lay awake in the darkness and was thinking about how the youth of our ward has rallied around me and my illness and seem to be drawn to me in such a spiritual way that I was trying to figure out the connection.  I really haven't worked with the youth or had much to do with them because of my age and I couldn't figure out how it all connected them.  Then these thoughts begin to form in my mind. 
     My thoughts went back to the morning Bishop Hadley came to my house and gave me the most beautiful blessing that I have ever had or heard.  It was the very next day after the Bishop heard of my cancer.  I felt and in my mind I could see the blessing funneling straight up.  I have never heard or had a blessing funneled up before, but this blessing was.  
     The biggest concern Bishop Hadley has had as Bishop is for the youth and families in our ward.  I don't remember much of the blessing or all that was said, but I do remember being told that I would be a strong influence to the ward through my strength and love of eternal life and would be able to bless the homes and youth of the church members in the ward.  I have felt this strength from the Lord.  
     I didn't understand fully until early this morning, but that blessing given to me by the Bishop was through the Lord.  I am nothing without Him.  Because of the love and concern from the Bishop for his ward family, I have been blessed with the opportunity to be an instrument of the Lord in teaching truths to the youth and their families.  
     In spite of our weaknesses the Lord has blessed us and we are receiving His tender mercies.  I don't even have to say anything, others just feel the things the Lord wants them to.  They just connect to the Spirit the Lord has blessed me with.  What a blessing this calling is to me.  With so many prayers in my behalf how could I fail.  I finally understand Nephi when he said,  "With out the Lord I am really nothing."

      Grandma wrote these thoughts in her journal Monday morning.  That evening a young woman from the ward drove up on her scooter to deliver an envelope of letters that her and her family had written to Grandma for Family Home Evening.  The thoughts this sweet family shared about Grandma touched me in such a powerful way.  They represent how so many of us feel about her.   Not to mention fulfill a promise from the Lord through a Priesthood Blessing from a loving Bishop.
     Grandma gave me permission to share them with you:

          I am just so in awe of the far reaching influence Grandma has had on so many lives, and so grateful for her ward family and all her dear friends (young and old) who return that love to our sweet Mom and Grandma!  THANK YOU!!!!