Friday, October 12, 2012

 Remember our Disney Cousin Camp eight years ago?

     We put together a booklet for Grandma in which each of us wrote "Our Wish For Grandma!"  This is what we wished her...

SHAYLEN-"I want to make you very happy in your life.  Thanks for always being there.  Thank you for helping take care of my lamb when he was sick"

MIKE-"I wish Grandma will always be happy and remember us with love and care.  I hope you will be happy for all of eternity.  I want to thank you for letting me come to the Ranch.  You make me happy.  You are nice.  Have the best dreams ever.

JACK-"My wish for Grandma is to raise my family and her grandkids so we all can be together in heaven."

GARRET-"My wish to Grandma is to help pick up the sticks and burn them on a family night.  My other wish is to do the dishes when we start the Ranch and the tables also."

NEIL-"Better grades in school."

TED-"Without your help I could never have accomplished  my dream of having a good wife and family.  Thank you so much for your help, support, prayers, and most of all your example.  I pray that my daughters and future daughters-in-law will be the kind of woman you are."

COURTNEY-"Dear Grandma, I love you so much and hope you will see how all your dreams truly have come true.  Take a look around you.  I wish and hope you will know how much I love you!"

NOLAN-"We're going to spend as much time with Grandma sharing her wonderful spirit as we possibly can.  We love to spend time with her.  She is so much fun to spend time with.  It is like spending the afternoon with the prophet."

STEVE-"I wish that you would share your example and life with my new little family and your great-grandkids (when that time comes)."

TED-"My wish for grandma is that she will always remember all she has and will accomplish in her life.  And that she will always remember when times get hard the wonderful legacy she has started and the many many lives she has touched and even changed for the better.  May you continue to have a full and happy life."

TJ-"Thanks for coming to my sports events."

JODI-"Grandma my wish for you is to continue to bless the lives of you grandchildren.  I know you have blessed my life so much and have taught me so much.  Thank you Grandma for everything you've done.  I love you!"

NEIL-"I wish to help with work during the summer."

KATHLEEN-"One of my favorite memories of you is you jumping on the tramp with your granddaughters.  You were wearing a blue bikini.  The sun was shining on your hair and your eyes sparkled with a zest and love for life.  You grabbed the moment and infused it with joy."

KADE-"My wish for Grandma is to help her."

CATHY-"Mom, my wish to you is a promise to do my best to share with my family everything you have taught me about life.  Also, I would absolutely love it if you could make one of our little apartments in Morgan your home away from home!"

SARAH-"Thank you for letting me spend time with my cousins."

JACI-"Grandma, I love you!"

CLAYTON-"I wish for Grandma that she will find whatever her big heart desires."

KATE-"You are so grateful to me.  You make me so happy when you smile.  I love you!"

BECCA-"My wish for Grandma is that she may live the rest of her life happy.  I hope grandma lives happily ever after.  Dear Grandma, you are such an example to me.  I love you very much and am so glad to have you as my Grandma."

KATHLEEN-"You inspire me.  The acts of your life and your examples of love and service. I love you and want to be like you.  I want to thank you for being at the foundation of our family.  You have blessed us with a home to fit us and mounds of support to guide us.  You have been a bed of rock and support."

JACK Jr.-"My wish for Grandma is to keep being a sweet little boy and always tell her "Tant-yoo!"

RYAN- I wish Grandma a HOT DOG!"

MELISSA-"I don't know if you remember when you helped me with my history homework.  You wrote what it was like living during the depression.  That meant so much to me.  It was so neat to learn more about you and your life.  Thank you so much for all you do."

KIMI & TUCKER-"We wish for you to move to Morgan and share your life with us."

SARAH-"I am going to practice my piano song for you."

WADE-"My wish for Grandma is to always give her loves."

CINDY-"Mom, I wish for you a peace and happiness as you retire from the Ranch.  I wish for you the rest that you deserve.  I know you will take the extra time now to continue studying the scriptures and getting to know your Savior.  I know this is what you enjoy most."

TJ-"Go on a mission."

DAVID-"I wish you will someday walk with me.  I'm also going to learn to say "Grandma" so I can tell you how much I love you."

CASSIDY-My wish for you is to always remember that I love you.  You have always been there and support me in all I do.  My wish is to become just like you.  You mean the whole world to me.  Thank you for all you do and for always being there for me.  I love you!"

KATIE-"Dear Grandma, I love you!  Thank you for everything.  I will try to help make your dreams come true by sewing you something, baking you something, and playing you a piano song."

JULIE-"I hope you  know that I would do anything to make your wish come true!  I really mean anything!  It's hard to watch you struggle so much with life and what to do with the Ranch.  My wish for you is to show how much I appreciate and love you by standing beside you and supporting you!"

MELISSA-"I want to take you somewhere just the two of us.  Maybe we could go to your favorite restaurant.  I also want to follow in your footsteps as I live my life.  You are the hardest worker and the most loving person I know."

SHELBY-"I wish for you to find someone in this caring family to help keep the Ranch running so that you can be able to see all the family together.  I love you so much that I want to come stay with you as many times as I can and just hang out with you.  I love you!"

RACHEL-"My wish for Grandma is to make a party for her."

JACOB-"I love you!"

MITCH-"I wish Grandma will have a good time at Cousin Camp and she will always know I love her.  You make me happy."

KIRBY-"Grandma, as your life has progressed you have been able to see many dreams come true.  The one dream that is yet to come is the time when you will be able to tell Neil all of the dreams that were fulfilled and what wonderful grandchildren that he has and about their personalities.  I love you."

P.S.  A couple weeks ago we flew in an airplane to Disneyland.   As soon as we were above the clouds David turned to Katie and said,
"I am in the sky...can Grandma see me?"
     I am certain Grandma can see all of us and is still very involved in each of our lives.  Right before she passed away she promised that after she was gone she would continue to be involved in our lives as much as the Lord would allow her to be.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"The Future is as Bright as Your FAITH."
--Pres. Thomas S. Monson
I don't know about the rest of you, but I miss Grandma!  
I miss her a lot! 
     There are many things I miss about Grandma, but one of the things I miss most is her love of the scriptures.  I never talked to her that she didn't share with me something she had read or learned in the scriptures.
     The other day while sorting through some of her papers I came across her original typed life history.  The last page contained her testimony that I had never seen or read before.  For some reason she hadn't included it in the history she gave us kids.  In it she shared her favorite scripture...

Dear family, stay close to the Lord and the Church.  There is going to be great tribulations and sin like the world has never seen.  Your only hope will be faith in God, yourselves and the Church.  My prayer is that there will never be an empty chair or broken link in our family.  Stay strong and endure to the end.

My favorite scripture:  2 Nephi 31:20
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.  Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father, Ye shall have eternal life."

There is one more I would like to leave with you.  That is Mosiah 4:14
"Ye will not suffer your children that they go hungry, or naked; neither will ye suffer that they transgress the laws of God and fight and quarrel one with another, and serve the devil who is the master of sin."

Children my closing request is this:  "Get along with each other, love one another and out of respect for me and your father don't let anything interfere with the love and closeness we have as a family."

Some day if I die before the end, you will see not one bird but two and you will know your father and me are there with you on this spring day.

I love you all!!

LouCille Turner Carlisle hamnett
Dated December 23, 1987

     I am certain I didn't come across this by accident.  Grandma meant for us to read this and to live by it!  In an effort to help each of us "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope" I am going to do my best to continue posting "Tidbits From Grandma" on this blog to help us remember her and her wish for us to be an eternal family!  Remember...