Saturday, June 2, 2012

(Janice Hillcrest, Carol Ackerman, June Pack, Nancy Seastrand, Betty Brady, Naoma Williams, Carma Newman, Shirley Houston, Marjean Marsh, and Juanita Singleton.)

Thur, May 31
     Grandma and 10 of her school classmates (Class of 1951) got together for lunch and celebrated Grandma's 79th Birthday early.  Not only was it remarkable that so many of them were able to come, it was truly a miracle that Grandma felt well enough to venture out after a very difficult week.  Her strength held out just barely long enough to get her home.
THANK YOU ladies for an enjoyable afternoon 
and birthday celebration!!

     Grandma is requiring more rest these days.  (It is hard work battling cancer.)   So we have tried to limit visitors because as her hospice nurse says,  "She is quite a beloved celebrity."   She especially enjoys visits from her sisters and of course children and grandchildren.   On Memorial Day Aunt Lorraine, Uncle Denny and Aunt Lynn stopped in briefly.  Grandma was so uplifted by their visit.

   It has been difficult and yet also inspiring to watch Grandma as she meets each new challenge that comes her way with faith and determination.  Each day brings several new challenges and "Line Upon Line" we are all learning and growing in faith.     

   While the journey ahead of her at times seems a little daunting, Grandma is still determined to boldly take those few steps into the darkness.  Her faith is contagious and encourages us to meekly follow in her footsteps.  While Grandma can barely manage to shuffle down the hall each day with her walker, she does so with FAITH IN EVERY FOOTSTEP.   Her joyful attitude makes you believe there is no ugly disease invading her body.  While this cancer has weakened her body, it has only served to strengthen her spirit!

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